- Morning and afternoon classes - Certificates that are provided for the applicants - After-school activities - Orientation prior to beginning class - Helping for the students to apply for driver's license of Michigan
Language Center International(LCI)About the
Center International is a private language school established in 1987.
From 1987 to early 1989, its classes were only tutorial in nature, and
there were no regularly scheduled group classes. In March 1989, the
school was incorporated under the name of Language Center International,
and group classes were held on a regular basis in Detroit, Michigan. In
1992, LCI moved to larger facilities in Southfield, Michigan and in
2015, LCI moved once again to a larger facility, also in Southfield. Its
facilities now include several instructional classrooms, a computer
lab, a tutoring room, an instructors' office, and administrative
teaches English as a Second Language (ESL). Up to eight levels of
instruction from beginning to advanced are possible in morning,
afternoon, and evening classes. All classes emphasize active student
participation and strong teacher-student interaction. Six terms per year
are offered. Seven-week terms are: January-February, March-April,
September-October, and November-December. Six-week terms are given
spring and summer: May-June and June-July. Tutorials for ESL and foreign
languages are scheduled when requested.
LCI instructors must have a minimum of an undergraduate university
degree in a field related to language instruction. Many instructors
either have advanced degrees or have completed graduate courses. Almost
all instructors and staff have lived, worked, or studied outside the
United States and know at least one foreign language.
has been authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant aliens
since 1990. It is accredited by ACCET (Accrediting Council for
Continuing Education and Training), which is recognized by the United
States Department of Education.
Administrators, Staff & Faculty
faculty and staff of LCI are all native or bilingual speakers of
English who have a minimum of a bachelor's degree and several years of
teaching experience. Many have completed several years of university
graduate level work. Most speak at least one language in addition to
English and some speak two or more foreign languages. The majority have
worked or studied in another country. The faculty office is located in
near the main office. Students are encouraged to discuss any
class-related issues with their instructors in the faculty office.
main administrative office is typically open from 9:00 AM -5:00 PM
Monday-Thursday (office hours are subject to change; please call the
main office for information about our most current hours). The main
office is closed Friday. Students who need assistance with immigration
matters or more complicated school-related questions need to make an
appointment with Dr. Braswell, the Director, or Tammy Karakas, the
Registrar. An appointment guarantees a meeting with the Registrar or the
Director. Without an appointment, a student may have to return another
day. Help with more general school-related information is available at
the front desk of the main office.
is located at 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Ste 600, Southfield, Michigan.
It occupies the six floor of Nine Mile Crossing Building. The school is
divided into two sections: Classrooms and the Main Administrative
Office. The classroom section has several classrooms, a small computer
lab, a tutoring room, and a student lounge. The classroom section has
wireless Internet access throughout. The Main Administrative Office is
located across from the elevators. Enrollment, admissions, transfers,
counseling, immigration issues, book sales, and payments are handled in
the Main Office. The teachers' room is also located in the main office.
There is ample, free parking around LCI's building, including the top
floor of the parking structure. There is one main entrance and as well
as an entrance on each side of the building. A small cafe which offers
soups, sandwiches, salads, snacks, and beverages is located on the first
*LCI is authorized under federal law to *enroll non-immigrant alien students
*No minimum English test score is required for admission
*Beginning to advanced classes are offered
*Literacy in native language is required
Classes may include:
Extensive Reading
Pronunciation (intermediate through advanced only)
All Skills (a content-based class in which students practice a variety of English language skills and intercultural skills)
iBT TOEFL Skills (high intermediate through advanced only)
IELTS Skills (intermediate through advanced only)
American Culture
Special Topics
*Each class meets for a specified number of hours per week (two-five hours), depending on the subject/content (see the class schedule)
*Courses are seven or six weeks long: seven weeks in September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April; six weeks in May/June and June/July. There are no classes in August.
*Morning and afternoon classes are available.
*A paper-based Institutional TOEFL assessment is administered on the last Friday of each session. All registered high intermediate and advanced LCI students are eligible to take the examination at no cost. Seating is limited.
*Student placement is determined by a placement test given prior to the start of classes. Students who have taken an institutional TOEFL, IBT TOEFL, paper-based TOEFL, IELTS, or exit proficiency test from an English Language Program within three months of beginning courses at LCI may submit test results for placement purposes. LCI administers its placement test free of charge to those who have an approved Application for Admission.
*Upon completion of the program, LCI issues, upon request, a certificate of attendance for its courses to students in good standing.
Overview of Courses
All Skills
LCI offers eight levels of All Skills instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, while introducing students to American customs and cultures.
All Skills/Special Topics
LCI occasionally offers All Skills/Special Topics instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while covering special topics of high interest to international students such as American cultural studies, history or literature.
LCI offers eight levels of Grammar/Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited understanding of grammar structures, spelling, and mechanics at the beginning level to a college freshman level application of complex grammar structures and American academic writing guidelines at the most advanced level.
iBT TOEFL and IELTS Skills
LCI offers four levels of iBT TOEFL and IELTS instruction ranging from Intermediate to High Advanced. These courses are designed to enhance and reinforce test-taking and language skills necessary to achieve one's best on these standardized assessments.
LCI offers eight levels of Listening/Speaking instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited (near zero) ability to comprehend or express themselves in English at the beginning level to a near native-speaker-like comprehension and control of spoken English at the most advanced level.
LCI offers five levels of Pronunciation instruction ranging from High Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to develop English language learners' understanding and pronunciation of Standard American English.
LCI offers eight levels of Reading/Vocabulary instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a very limited ability to read, comprehend, and respond to written texts to an ability to comprehend, analyze, evaluate, and respond to reading materials for the native-speaker of English. Shorter classes in Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Building are offered to provide additional support for the development of these skills.
LCI offers eight levels of Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from writing basic simple sentences at the beginning level to writing summaries, well-structured multi-paragraphed compositions, academic essays, research papers, and reviews at the most advanced level. Students also develop editing and revision skills.
*LCI is authorized under federal law to *enroll non-immigrant alien students
*No minimum English test score is required for admission
*Beginning to advanced classes are offered
*Literacy in native language is required
Classes may include:
Extensive Reading
Pronunciation (intermediate through advanced only)
All Skills (a content-based class in which students practice a variety of English language skills and intercultural skills)
iBT TOEFL Skills (high intermediate through advanced only)
IELTS Skills (intermediate through advanced only)
American Culture
Special Topics
*Each class meets for a specified number of hours per week (two-five hours), depending on the subject/content (see the class schedule)
*Courses are seven or six weeks long: seven weeks in September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April; six weeks in May/June and June/July. There are no classes in August.
*Morning and afternoon classes are available.
*A paper-based Institutional TOEFL assessment is administered on the last Friday of each session. All registered high intermediate and advanced LCI students are eligible to take the examination at no cost. Seating is limited.
*Student placement is determined by a placement test given prior to the start of classes. Students who have taken an institutional TOEFL, IBT TOEFL, paper-based TOEFL, IELTS, or exit proficiency test from an English Language Program within three months of beginning courses at LCI may submit test results for placement purposes. LCI administers its placement test free of charge to those who have an approved Application for Admission.
*Upon completion of the program, LCI issues, upon request, a certificate of attendance for its courses to students in good standing.
Overview of Courses
All Skills
LCI offers eight levels of All Skills instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, while introducing students to American customs and cultures.
All Skills/Special Topics
LCI occasionally offers All Skills/Special Topics instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while covering special topics of high interest to international students such as American cultural studies, history or literature.
LCI offers eight levels of Grammar/Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited understanding of grammar structures, spelling, and mechanics at the beginning level to a college freshman level application of complex grammar structures and American academic writing guidelines at the most advanced level.
iBT TOEFL and IELTS Skills
LCI offers four levels of iBT TOEFL and IELTS instruction ranging from Intermediate to High Advanced. These courses are designed to enhance and reinforce test-taking and language skills necessary to achieve one's best on these standardized assessments.
LCI offers eight levels of Listening/Speaking instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited (near zero) ability to comprehend or express themselves in English at the beginning level to a near native-speaker-like comprehension and control of spoken English at the most advanced level.
LCI offers five levels of Pronunciation instruction ranging from High Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to develop English language learners' understanding and pronunciation of Standard American English.
LCI offers eight levels of Reading/Vocabulary instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a very limited ability to read, comprehend, and respond to written texts to an ability to comprehend, analyze, evaluate, and respond to reading materials for the native-speaker of English. Shorter classes in Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Building are offered to provide additional support for the development of these skills.
LCI offers eight levels of Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from writing basic simple sentences at the beginning level to writing summaries, well-structured multi-paragraphed compositions, academic essays, research papers, and reviews at the most advanced level. Students also develop editing and revision skills.
Course Information
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 40 Weeks
Course Level
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2024Year schedule), has been finished. (2025Year schedule), has been updating
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
is located at 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Ste 600, Southfield, Michigan.
It occupies the six floor of Nine Mile Crossing Building. The school is
divided into two sections: Classrooms and the Main Administrative
Office. The classroom section has several classrooms, a small computer
lab, a tutoring room, and a student lounge. The classroom section has
wireless Internet access throughout. The Main Administrative Office is
located across from the elevators. Enrollment, admissions, transfers,
counseling, immigration issues, book sales, and payments are handled in
the Main Office. The teachers' room is also located in the main office.
There is ample, free parking around LCI's building, including the top
floor of the parking structure. There is one main entrance and as well
as an entrance on each side of the building. A small cafe which offers
soups, sandwiches, salads, snacks, and beverages is located on the first
안녕하세요? LCI 재학 중인 학생 입니다. 그 동안 느낀 점에 대해 몇 자 적어 보겠습니다.
1. 학교는 미시간 주 디트로이트 인근의 사우스필드라는 작은 도시에 위치해 있습니다. 학교는 고층 빌딩 건물의 6층 전체를 사용하고 있습니다. 시설은 전반적으로 깨끗합니다. 학생 수는 총 120명 내외, 선생님 숫자는 12명 정도로 소규모 어학원 입니다. 주변 환경은 조용한 편입니다만 지역 특성상 대중교통이 거의 없기 때문에 차가 없으면 통학하기가 힘이 듭니다. 별도의 기숙사는 없고 집은 직접 구하셔야 합니다. 렌트비는 저렴한 편입니다.
2. 수업은 F-1 학생 기준 18시간 이상 들으셔야 하는데 저는 9시~13시에 수업을 듣고 있습니다. 월~목 수업을 하고 있고 금요일은 수업을 신청하지 않아도 됩니다. 수업의 질은 나쁘지 않다고 생각되고 특이한 점은 선생님들의 대부분이 석사학위를 가지고 있습니다. (학원 내부에 채용 가이드라인이 있다고 하네요) 보통 한 반은 10명 내외로 구성이 되고 국적은 아랍 1/3 베트남 및 중국 3/1 동유럽 1/3 정도 입니다. 한국인은 찾아보기 힘든 편 입니다. 수업 진행은 선생님이 수업하는 내용에 따라 발표 혹은 토론을 병행하는 방식 입니다. 선생님들은 모두 친절한 편이고 질문하면 잘 대답해 줍니다. 수업 분위기는 반마다 다르지만 나쁘지는 않은 것 같습니다. 학생들의 수준은 초급~준 원어민 수준까지 다양하게 분포되어 있고 placement test결과에 따라 반이 배정되지만 변경이 가능합니다.
3. 학원비는 7주 (주당 18시간 기준) 1050불 정도로 매우 저렴한 편입니다. 제 생각에는 이 부분이 가장 큰 경쟁력이라고 생각이 됩니다. 또한 학생이 원한다면 추가적으로 수업을 들을 수도 있고, Indivisualized Class (1:1 수업과 같은) 도 제공할 수 있다고 합니다. 그리고 점심시간 1시간 동안 tutoring 서비스를 무료로 제공하는데 질문할 것이나 고민이 있으면 가서 상담할 수 있습니다. 시험은 7주 동안 2회를 치며 출석에 대해서는 엄격한 것 같습니다.
정리하자면 매우 저렴한 학비와 좋은 수업의 질, 외국인 비율이 높다는 점이 이 학원의 장점이라고 생각이 됩니다. 단점은 주변 지역이 조용하고 심심하다는 것입니다. 타 대도시 지역과는 다르게 이 부근 지역은 밤에 할 것이 없습니다. 대부분의 현지인들은 밤에 가족들과 함께 시간을 보내기 때문에 밤에는 거리에 사람을 보기 힘이 듭니다. 하지만 다르게 생각하면 공부에 집중하기 좋은 환경일 수도 있다고 생각합니다. 문화시설 등은 부족하지만 미시간 지역은 자연이 아름다운 곳입니다. 또한 시카고, 토론토 등 대도시도 멀지 않기 때문에 여가시간에 여행을 다니기도 나쁘지 않다고 생각 됩니다. 결론적으로 저는 만족하고 다니고 있으며 내년에 대학원에 진학할 때까지는 이곳에 머무를 계획 입니다. 감사합니다^^
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2021 SELF-APPLY. All Rights Reserved.
Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228