- A safe, friendly environment to live and learn - Conversation partners - Weekly activities
National Mix
The IEI has hosted hundreds of students from more than 38 countries around the world. Recently, the majority of students have come to the IEI from: the Middle East, Northeastern Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and South America.
Conditional Admission
Academically-qualified students may enroll in credit–bearing IEI courses and gain conditional admission to the University of Maine.
Intensive English Institute About the
Founded in 1987, the Intensive English Institute (IEI) prepares international students for study at the University of Maine or at an equally prestigious American college or university. The Intensive English Institute (IEI) offers students the opportunity to study English in a university environment with access to all campus resources.The IEI is a unit within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The IEI is also effective for international professionals looking to acquire English language skills to benefit their career path. Upon request, the IEI also provides specialized language training programs for institutions, organizations, or groups, particularly in the areas of pre-academic skills, business English, U.S. culture, and teacher training. The IEI's year-round Intensive English Program also serves students who simply want to improve their English language skills in a university environment. The IEI is a proud member of UCIEP, a U.S. consortium of University and College Intensive English Programs known for its high professional standards and quality English language instruction.
University of Maine About the
Located in the town of Orono along the banks of the Stillwater River, the University of Maine offers a strong traditional education at an affordable price. The state’s land-grant university and the flagship institution in the University of Maine System, UMaine is one of New England’s premier universities. We help students create success stories—with a wide variety of programs and opportunities—and we do so with world-class faculty members, nationally recognized research; first-rate facilities; a friendly, safe atmosphere; and easy access to some of the best year-round recreation sites in the nation.At UMaine, you’ll enjoy the world through 88 bachelor’s degree programs, 70 master’s degree programs, and 30 doctoral programs. Our library is ranked among the top in the country, we have one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious Honors programs, now the Honors College, and our students enjoy hands-on research, even at the undergraduate level.
The Intensive English Institute at Orono, Maine offers a year-round Focal Skills design core intensive program as well as semester and summer courses in ESL education and shorter-term programs, workshops and tutorials.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Our core intensive program develops English language skills for success in school, business, and social communication. Our English for Special Purposes (ESP) short-courses, workshops and tutorials address specific needs in a shorter-term format.
Curriculum :
IEI’s core program offers intensive English language instruction in four skill-focused modules designed to rapidly develop the student’s fluency and comprehensibility using English. The classes also provide cultural awareness training to prepare English language learners to function comfortably in the U.S.A. Our teachers use innovative methods and communicative activities consistent with the Natural Approach and based on a Focal Skills Program design.
Our full-time core intensive program students attend skills-focused and elective classes 20 hours per week from Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, our students select from additional personal and group language learning experiences–including tutorials, conversation partners, chaperoned trips, and individual or small-group self-study.
The core intensive program uses Focal Skills assessments to place students into one of the four sequenced modules: the Listening Module, Reading Module, Writing Module, or Immersion Module. Every four weeks students are tested again to see if they are ready to change their skill focus.
The Intensive English Institute at Orono, Maine offers a year-round Focal Skills design core intensive program as well as semester and summer courses in ESL education and shorter-term programs, workshops and tutorials.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Our core intensive program develops English language skills for success in school, business, and social communication. Our English for Special Purposes (ESP) short-courses, workshops and tutorials address specific needs in a shorter-term format.
Curriculum :
IEI’s core program offers intensive English language instruction in four skill-focused modules designed to rapidly develop the student’s fluency and comprehensibility using English. The classes also provide cultural awareness training to prepare English language learners to function comfortably in the U.S.A. Our teachers use innovative methods and communicative activities consistent with the Natural Approach and based on a Focal Skills Program design.
Our full-time core intensive program students attend skills-focused and elective classes 20 hours per week from Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, our students select from additional personal and group language learning experiences–including tutorials, conversation partners, chaperoned trips, and individual or small-group self-study.
The core intensive program uses Focal Skills assessments to place students into one of the four sequenced modules: the Listening Module, Reading Module, Writing Module, or Immersion Module. Every four weeks students are tested again to see if they are ready to change their skill focus.
Course Information
Class size
8-12 Students
8 Weeks
I-20 Issued Upon Request
Minimum age
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
School's Admin fee
(USD)$ 100
8 Week
(USD)$ 2,640 / Week
Housing Placement
Accommodation Fee
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-Campus residence
4 Weeks
(USD)$ 1156
7 Weeks
(USD)$ 2023
8 Weeks
(USD)$ 2312
Airport Pickup
Other Charges
Remarks / Other Information
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
The IEI provides students with the opportunity to live in on-campus dormitories with American roommates. Students living on-campus will be close to classes, campus activities and other students – both American and international. On-campus university apartments are also available to married students and their family. Students are encouraged to make their housing arrangements as early as possible due to the limited amount of space available. Private off-campus apartments may also be available; however students must make their own arrangements. For more information, use the Contact Address to ask the school directly.
붙박이 책상과 침대가 있으며, 다양한 높이의 침대가 제공됩니다.
Colvin hall: 2인실, 거실공유
대부분의 기숙사는 책장, 침대가 구비 되어 있습니다. 신입생 및 어학 연수생은 학교 기숙사에서 지낼 수 있습니다.
Surrounding Area
The University of Maine and the town of Orono are located on the Stillwater River in eastern Maine - a rural, wooded area of great scenic beauty in all four seasons. The town of Orono (pop 10,500) is small, picturesque, and charming. Orono is a classic college town, bordered by the Stillwater and Penobscot Rivers and located eight miles from the city of Bangor. The climate in the area ranges from an average of 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer.
Student Recreation and Fitness Center
The Student Recreation and Fitness Center is the place to see and be seen – whether your scene involves a Stairmaster, skis or swimming. The 87,000-square-foot, $25 million facility opened in 2007. It offers state-of-the-art fitness equipment, an indoor track, pool and hot tub, multiuse courts, cardio and weight equipment. Need a little motivation? No problem –personal training services are available. Oh, and if you’re a student, membership is included in your tuition and fees.
Fogler Library
The Fogler Library is the largest library in Maine. The building houses a Listening Center, Learning and Materials Center, and Special Collections (with manuscripts by Stephen King).
Memorial Union
The Memorial Union is the campus center of student activities and recreational programs. The Union houses offices for Student Government and the Center for Students and Community Life, as well as numerous meeting rooms and lounges for study and relaxation. Other Union facilities include; Recreation Center, computer cluster, ATMs, ride board, Bookstore, Campus Information Center, Post Office, copy center, eateries and coffee shops, and an expansive food court. The Hole in the Wall gallery and Hauck Auditorium are inside the Union as well.
안녕하세요. 저는 한국에서 대학교 2학기 1학년까지 마치고 미국 Maine주에 있는 University of Maine에서 공부하고있습니다.
University of Maine 내에 있는 IEI(Intensive English Institution)에서 영어공부를 하고 있는데요, 보통 다른나라에서 이 대학교 수업을 받기 위해 오는 학생들이 거쳐가는 어학당 정도로 보시면 될것같아요.
미국의 Maine 주라고 하면 잘 모르는 사람들이 많은데, 저도 처음에는 Maine주라는 이름을 들어본 적이 없어서 어학연수를 결정하는 과정에서 많이 생각을 했었어요. 메인주는 미국에서 가장 북동쪽에 있는 주로써 보스턴에서 버스로 5시간정도 소요되고 겨울에는 눈이 많이와서 조금 추워요ㅎㅎ
뉴욕이나 유학생들이 많이오는 보스턴과는 조금 다르게 한국학생도 많이 없고, 도심에서 좀 떨어져있기 때문에 고민을 많이 했었죠.
그런데 막상 와보니까 도심이 아니기 때문에 공기도 무척 좋고, 특히 사람들이 너무 친절하고 좋습니다. 저는 처음에 한학기만 메인에서 공부하고 다음학기때는 뉴욕이나 보스턴으로 옮기려고 했었거든요, 그런데 한국 학생이 많이 없다는 메리트와 이 지역 사람들이 너무 좋아서 지금 두번째학기도 메인대학교에서 공부하고 있습니다.
한국학생이 많이 없는건 사실이에요. 메인대학교 내에는 15명 안팎으로 한국인이 있고, IEI에는 저와 다른학생 한명 해서 두명밖에 없습니다. 그런데 이게 영어 공부하기에는 정말 좋은 것 같아요. 한국말을 많이 할 일이 없어서 영어가 자연스럽게 늘게 되고, 도심과는 다르게 사람들도 너무 친절하기 때문에 저처럼 영어하는데에, 또 영어로 말하는데에 두려움을 갖고 계신분들에게는 최적의 환경이 아닐까 싶습니다.
IEI에서는 Reading, Listening, Writing 코스가 차례대로 있는데, 처음에 간단한 시험을 보고 들어가서 본인에게 맞는 수업을 해줘요. 그렇게 많이 어렵진 않아서 빠르면 한학기 길면 1년내에 모든 과정 다 하시고 대학교 수업 들을 수 있을 것 같아요. 그리고 메인대학교에서 수업을 들으려면 토플 540점을 넘어야하는데 IEI에서 토플수업도 공짜로 같이 해주니까 혹시 대학교 수업듣고싶으신 분은 토플강의도 같이 들으시면 되요.
기숙사는 2인 1실을 사용하고 있는데요, 기숙사 종류가 되게 많아서 원하는 곳 정하셔서 신청하면 되요. 저는 2인 1실사용하는데 미국인 룸메랑 같이쓰고 방은 꽤 넓어서 답답하지 않아요. 침대랑 옷넣는 수납장이랑 책상 책장 기본으로 있구요, 전자레인지랑 냉장고는 원하면 학교에서 방에 하나씩 대여해줍니다. 밥먹는 식당은 4~6개가 있는데 밀플랜 신청하면 뷔폐식으로 아침, 점심, 저녁 마음껏 먹을 수 있습니다!
도심이 아니라서 지하철이나 기차는 없지만, 버스가 자주 다니기 때문에 메인대학교 학생증을 보여주면 공짜로 이용 가능해요. 버스도 시간표가 있어서 그거 보고 시간에 맞춰서 가고싶은곳 갈 수 있습니다.
올해는 날씨가 그렇게 많이 안추웠는데, 미국 제일 북동쪽이다보니까 겨울에 눈도 많이오고 기온이 낮아요. 그래도 그나마 다행인건 한국겨울처럼 바람이 많이 불지 않아서 체감온도는 그렇게 낮지 않습니다. 한국에서 겨울에 입는것처럼 입고다니면 괜찮아요.
한국인이 많이 없어서 처음에 좀 힘들었던건 사실이지만, 시간이 지나다보니까 그게 다 영어에 정말 많은 도움이 된 것 같아서 지금은 너무너무 만족하면서 잘 지내고 있습니다!
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2021 SELF-APPLY. All Rights Reserved.
Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228