We are proud to offer an outstanding educational program for International Students. You will be provided with challenging academic studies and English language learning opportunities in classrooms where you will be fully integrated with your fellow Canadian students. Your education program will be based on high standards of academic excellence, and Chilliwack School District will prepare you to successfully enter post -secondary studies at the university or college level.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
International Student Program Administrator will be available at all times
Counseling and related forms of assistance
Participating in school-sponsored Work Experience
Chilliwack Secondary School
Population: 1500 students
Established in 1903
New building opened in 2014
Long list of alumni going on to national and international fame and prominence.
Wide variety of AP courses offered in which students can get credit for their first year University courses.
Unique Programs
A Tremendous Music Program (Concert, Jazz Bands, Vocal/Dixieland Jazz, Guitar, Composition, Production)
Strong Computer Sciences Program (Computer Programming, Media Design, Web Development, and AP Computer Studies)
Outdoor Education Program(outdoor pursuits, skill development, and physical activity)
Culinary Arts Program
Hairdressing Program
Automotive Service Technician Program (In conjunction with UFV)
Sardis Secondary School
Population: 1350 students
Established in 1956
New building opened in 1995
A long-standing tradition of academic excellence with AP courses in Math and the Sciences.
Unique Programs
Strong Automotive Program : students can learn the fundamentals to maintain and repair their vehicles
A superb Music Program: Strings classes (puts on a Broadway style musical every year)
Agriculture and Sustainable Vegetable Production Program : occurs on the school’s 5-acre farm and on-site greenhouse.
Culinary Arts Program
Sardis Hockey Academy : cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
Train in Trades Welding Program : complete the first two levels of their craft before moving on to UFV
G.W. Graham Secondary School
Population: 1350 students
Established in 2006
Expansion opening in 2022
Advanced placement and honours courses in the Sciences and Language Arts.
Houses a state-of-the-art 350 seat theatre
Innovative programing which fosters student growth in their area of passion.
Unique Programs
Superb Music Program : has won numerous awards
Renown Athletics Program : 2021-22 BC School Sports Outstanding School Award
Outdoor Education Program
Grizzlies Baseball : high level, baseball specific training
Graham X: A cross-curricular, place based, and outdoor learning program that offers students the chance to experience our local environment.
Focused learning opportunities:
• School of Trades: Trades Sampler
• School of Film: Production Workshop
• Canine Foundations Program
• Event Planning Program
Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology Secondary School
Population: 300 students
Established in 2021
Grades 9 – 11 (12’s in 2023/24)
Provides unique opportunities for students with an interest in arts, technology and integrated hands-on learning.
Multiple studio spaces for Music, Dance, and Art as well as a modern theatre with high-end technology
Brand new gymnasium and a Professional Culinary Arts teaching kitchen.
Innovative approach to teaching & learning that reflects current research in education.
Unique Programs
3 Step curriculum : Integrated core + Elective Credit + Deep Dive