- Received the LTM Star School award - Variety of activities - Located in the heart of public transportation
Top Native Language by Center
USA 5%, Ukraine 2%, Turkey 3%, Taiwan 2%, Swiss 8%, Sweden 5%, Spain 9%, Slovakia 2%, Russia 6%, Romania 1%, Poland 3%, Mexico 3%, Lebanon 2%, Korea 4%, Japan 5%, Italy 8%, Great British 7%, France 7%, Egypt 3%, Brazil 5%
GLS Sprachenzentrum BerlinAbout the
GLS stands for German Language School. GLS was founded in 1983 by Barbara Jaeschke. GLS operates the GLS Campus in Berlin for adult students as well as several summer camps for juniors in Berlin and München. GLS - "BEST GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN GERMANY" GLS has received the LTM Star School award as "best German language school in Germany" twice - in 2008 and again in 2010. The awards are bestowed every year in London, by the LTM Language Travel Magazine: The LTM Star School awards honor the best language schools worldwide. The best language schools in a country are identified by votes: Language travel professionals from more than 60 countries determine the language schools they consider the best. Every year more than 5,000 students fro up to 60 countries learn German with GLS. The GLS campus can accommodate 450 students at a time. The summer camps vary in capacity between 40 and 120 students.
Focus of Study : This course enables students to communicate well, whatever the situation may be.
Curriculum : Intensive courses train German for everyday communication and are complemented by afternoon activities and weekend excursions. The course build on the 4 fundamentals: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Free class discussions, role-playing and conversation help develop verbal expression, vocabulary and good sentence structure. Grammar is not studied in isolation, rather it is packed in informative and stimulating texts that provide valuable cultural, political and historical background. Some topics covered include: relationships, social life, jobs and labour, history of Berlin, cultural identity. This course enables students to communicate well, whatever the situation may be and is complemented by after-class activities in Berlin. More about GLS teachers of German.
Class hours: The Course is scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 30 lessons per week in total (lessons are 45 minutes in length). Course is offered at 7 levels of instruction; A0 is the most elementary level while Level C2 is the most advanced. All levels are taught all year round, with starting dates every Monday (except A0: starting dates once a month). A placement test, done in Berlin the very first day, will assess the appropriate course level. The placement test consists of a written as well as an oral part. A little exam every Friday helps students to check their progress. GLS prepares and registers students for all officially recognized exams such as ZD, ZMP, DSH, ZOP, KDS, GDS. Samples for all exams
Focus of Study : This course enables students to communicate well, whatever the situation may be.
Curriculum : Intensive courses train German for everyday communication and are complemented by afternoon activities and weekend excursions. The course build on the 4 fundamentals: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Free class discussions, role-playing and conversation help develop verbal expression, vocabulary and good sentence structure. Grammar is not studied in isolation, rather it is packed in informative and stimulating texts that provide valuable cultural, political and historical background. Some topics covered include: relationships, social life, jobs and labour, history of Berlin, cultural identity. This course enables students to communicate well, whatever the situation may be and is complemented by after-class activities in Berlin. More about GLS teachers of German.
Class hours: The Course is scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 30 lessons per week in total (lessons are 45 minutes in length). Course is offered at 7 levels of instruction; A0 is the most elementary level while Level C2 is the most advanced. All levels are taught all year round, with starting dates every Monday (except A0: starting dates once a month). A placement test, done in Berlin the very first day, will assess the appropriate course level. The placement test consists of a written as well as an oral part. A little exam every Friday helps students to check their progress. GLS prepares and registers students for all officially recognized exams such as ZD, ZMP, DSH, ZOP, KDS, GDS. Samples for all exams
Focus of Study : enable you to communicate well, whatever the situation may be
Curriculum :
Standard courses train German for everyday communication and are complemented by afternoon activities and weekend excursions. The course build on the 4 fundamentals: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Free class discussions, role-playing and conversation help develop verbal expression, vocabulary and good sentence structure. Grammar is not studied in isolation, rather it is packed in informative and stimulating texts that provide valuable cultural, political and historical background. Some topics covered include: relationships, social life, jobs and labour, history of Berlin, cultural identity. This course enable you to communicate well, whatever the situation may be and is complemented by after-class activities in Berlin. More about GLS teachers of German.
The Course is scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 20 lessons per week in total (lessons are 45 minutes in length). Course is offered at 7 levels of instruction; A0 is the most elementary level while Level C2 is the most advanced. All levels are taught all year round, with starting dates every Monday (except A0: starting dates once a month). A placement test, done in Berlin the very first day, will assess the appropriate course level. The placement test consists of a written as well as an oral part. A little exam every Friday helps students to check their progress. GLS prepares and registers students for all officially recognized exams such as ZD, ZMP, DSH, ZOP, KDS, GDS. Samples for all exams.
Class hours: There are 20 lessons of 45 minutes per week and the class hours are 9 AM to 12:30 PM.
Focus of Study : enable you to communicate well, whatever the situation may be
Curriculum :
Standard courses train German for everyday communication and are complemented by afternoon activities and weekend excursions. The course build on the 4 fundamentals: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Free class discussions, role-playing and conversation help develop verbal expression, vocabulary and good sentence structure. Grammar is not studied in isolation, rather it is packed in informative and stimulating texts that provide valuable cultural, political and historical background. Some topics covered include: relationships, social life, jobs and labour, history of Berlin, cultural identity. This course enable you to communicate well, whatever the situation may be and is complemented by after-class activities in Berlin. More about GLS teachers of German.
The Course is scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 20 lessons per week in total (lessons are 45 minutes in length). Course is offered at 7 levels of instruction; A0 is the most elementary level while Level C2 is the most advanced. All levels are taught all year round, with starting dates every Monday (except A0: starting dates once a month). A placement test, done in Berlin the very first day, will assess the appropriate course level. The placement test consists of a written as well as an oral part. A little exam every Friday helps students to check their progress. GLS prepares and registers students for all officially recognized exams such as ZD, ZMP, DSH, ZOP, KDS, GDS. Samples for all exams.
Class hours: There are 20 lessons of 45 minutes per week and the class hours are 9 AM to 12:30 PM.
Cancellations are accepted in written form only. GLS will make all refunds within 30 days ONLY to the person or agency that made payment. GLS will charge the following cancellation fees (1) (2):
» 2 weeks or more prior to arrival: 200 Euro cancellation fee, rest refunded
» Less than 2 weeks prior to arrival: 30% of the total amount as cancellation fee, but at least 200 Euro, rest refunded
» If a visa is rejected, GLS will refund the full amount except a handling fee of 200 Euro.
» No refunds will be made after classes begin with respect to tuition fees and internship or academic year high school fee.
» If students want to change accommodation arrangements after arrival, they must give GLS 2 weeks notice. All funds paid for accommodation after these 2 weeks will be refunded, less a handling fee of EUR 50. There are no refunds or accommodation changes on stays for 4
weeks or less.
(1) For payments made by Credit Card (American Express, Visa, Mastercard): in addition to the cancellation fee, there is a credit card fee: 2.5% of the program fee, plus 19% VAT on the 2.5%
(2) Not valid for High School and University placements in Germany. Here the following cancellation fees apply: 4 weeks or more prior to arrival - 500 €, less than 4 weeks: 30 % of the total amount
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
The 50 studio-apartments are in 2 buildings facing the garden just behind the language school: With sizes varying between 23 und 38 m², every studio has its own unique style. There are 2 categories: standard (Hotel 1) and superior (Hotel 2). All standard studios are mini-lofts, i.e. the sleeping area is on a higher level - the ceilings are 4.80 m high.
All studios are fully equipped mini-appartments and students can book single, double or shared double:
kitchen, own WC and shower (bathtub in superior studios), free WLAN for laptop, telephone and TV, linen & towels
GLS operates 20 apartments @ Brandenburg Gate, each apartment with 2 or 3 bedrooms - bookable as single or shared double. Thus 2 to 5 GLS students live together in one apartment, sharing bath and kitchen.
Students share an apartment with Berliners: ideal if they´d like to train their German. There will always be one or more German people in the apartment - they can be students, taxi drivers or artists, of all ages and all social strata. More often than not (but not always) students will be the only international roommate in the flat.
Basically "host family" means that somebody will be there for students and serve breakfast as well as dinner. It does not necessarily mean, that students will be staying with a traditional family: The hosts can be couples (married or not) as well as singles, with or without kids. Relevant is that they are friendly and open, that they are willing to spend time with students. All hosts have been inspected, and many have been hosting our students for several years.
Surrounding Area
The GLS German Language School is located in the historic center of Berlin, in trendy "Prenzlauer Berg": Around 1900 this district used to be a poor peoples´ habitat. After WW II Prenzlauer Berg ended up in the communist part of Berlin - with many intellectuals and artists living here. After the fall of the wall the district boomed and became the trend district in Berlin. Some of the main Berlin highlights are within walking distance from GLS: Museumsinsel: 1.5 km, Hackescher Markt: 1 km, Jüdisches Museum: 1.5 km, Reichstag: 2 km, Brandenburg Gate: 2.5 km
9,000 m2 campus, 40 classrooms between 30 and 63m2. IT room with 15 PC and fress access to internet, free WiFi everywhere on campus, bookstore, student library, landscaped garden, cafeteria with garden terrace, restaurant with sun terrace, 50 studio-apartments
The school organizes every week a minimum of 3 after class activities in Berlin and weekend-trips to Potsdam, Desden, Leipzig and to many other places.
안녕하세요 저는 해외교육문화원을 통해 베를린에 위치한 GLS 어학원 어학연수 코스를 밞은 학생입니다. 독일 어학연수를 결정했을때 어느 어학원을 다녀야할지 고민을 많이 했는데 적당한 가격과 좋은 위치, 한국인 비율이 높지 않다는 점이 끌려 GLS를 선택하게 되었습니다.
<GLS의 장점> 1. 유러피안 비율이 높다 GLS는 다양한 국적을 가진 친구들을 만날 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 특히 유러피안 비율이 높아서 수업 시간에 다양한 나라의 문화를 이야기 할 수 있고 다국적 인맥을 가질 수 있어서 좋았습니다.
2. 환상적인 위치 GLS는 젊은이들이 좋아하는 거리에 위치해 있어서 방과후에 친구들과 카페를 가거나 식사를 하기에도 좋고 간단하게 쇼핑하기에도 좋았습니다.
3.토론 위주의 수업 문법을 가르치는 수업 뿐만 아니라 토론 위주의 수업으로 자연스럽게 작문 실력을 향상시킬 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 뿐만 아니라 다른 나라의 문화나 독일 문화도 배울 수 있어서 좋았구요
4. 매주 월요일 열리는 신입생 환영회 처음 GLS에 당도하였을때 낯을 가리는 성격이라서 혼자일까봐 걱정했는데 매주 월요일 카페테리아에서 신입생 환영회를 열어 학생들의 적응을 돕더라구요 저 역시 신입생 환영회에 참석하여 친구를 만들었습니다.
5.교내 시설 교내에 카페테리아, 뷔페 레스토랑, 서점이 위치해있어서 쉬는 시간에 멀리 나가지 않고 교내에서 간식거리나 식사를 해결할 수 있었고 부족하다고 느끼는 과목에 대해서는 교내 서점에서 교재를 구입해서 공부할 수 있어서 참 좋았습니다. (서점에서 근무하시는 분이 교재를 추천해주시기도 해요)
6.철저히 독일어를 쓰는 수업 아무것도 모르고 처음 당도했을때는 독일어만 사용하는 수업이 어려웠지만, 나중에는 자꾸 반복되는 단어가 무엇인지 자율적으로 공부하게 되었습니다.
7. 게임으로 배우는 독일어 독일어가 상당히 어려운 언어인만큼 선생님들도 재미있게 가르쳐주시려고 노력하셨던 것 같아요 주사위 게임이나 알아맞추는 게임 등을 통하여 단어를 익히고 모든 친구들이 한번씩 말할 수 있도록 기회를 주세요
8. 월반 간혹 반에 너무 잘하는 친구들이 있으면 위화감을 느끼기 마련인데 그런 친구들은 월반으로 윗 단계 클래스로 이동 할 수 있었습니다.
9. 학생 입장에서 생각해주시는 선생님 이건 제가 좋은 선생님들을 몇 분 만나서 그럴지도 모르겠지만, 저의 첫 선생님들은 학생들이 무엇을 필요로 하는지 또 무엇이 불편한지 물어봐주시고 부족한 부분이 있다면 교정할 수 있도록 신경써주시더라구요
10. 최신 시설 GLS 캠퍼스의 시설들은 거의 모두 최신식이었습니다. 화장실, 컴퓨터실, 기숙사 모두 깔끔하게 유지하고 있고 교내 경비가 24시간 상주하고 있어 캠퍼스내에서 안전 문제가 없었던 것 같아요
11. Pause 시스템 제가 1~2주간 학원에 못나가는 사정이 생겼는데 학원 측에 미리 말을 하자 그 기간만큼 수업을 연장해주는 시스템이 있어서 좋았습니다.
제게는 위와 같은 시스템들이 장점으로 다가왔습니다. 독일 유학을 생각하시는 분들 모두 건승하시길 바랄게요~^^
해외교육문화원을 통해 GLS 어학원을 다닌 학생입니다.
전 스탠다드 코스를 했구요
회화위쥐의 수업진행으로 듣기, 말하기 연습하는데
더없이 좋은 곳이라 장담합니다.
선생님들도 굉장히 적극적 이시고 적은 학생수의 수업을 하다 보니
학생 한명 한명 에게 많은 관심과 성의를 보여주십니다.
이런 좋은 유대관계 속에서 독일어를 더욱 빨리 잘 하기 위해선
집에서의 예습 복습이 철저히 진행되어야 한다는 점 잊지 마세요~!
숙박시절도 단연 깨끗하고 위생적이라 말할 수 있습니다.
청소 하시는 분들이 수시로 보이고,
유일하게 캠퍼스를 가지고 있는 학원이다 보니
가든과 편의시설 관리에 대해 더욱 신경을 쓰는 듯 보였습니다.
이런 여러가지 장점들이 글로벌한 학생들을
많이 받는 이유인듯 합니다.
적극 추천합니다.
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2021 SELF-APPLY. All Rights Reserved.
Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228